Classic Titles for Parents and Teens

Life Happens
A Teenager's Guide to Friends, Sexuality, Love, Peer Pressure, Families, Loss, Depression, Change and Other Challenges of Living
with Charles Wibbelsman

Solo Parenting
Your Essential Guide
How to Find the Balance between Parenthood and Personhood
This book explores "common crises" that teens experience and suggests ways to get past problems and move on with life. Topics cover include the death of a family member, teen pregnancy, the end of a romantic relationship, being homosexual, and having an alcoholic parent, along with everyday stresses like living up to parental expectations and balancing schoolwork with fun. Helpful and clear-cut, the book fosters the benefits of embracing and being open about feelings. (Perigee Books)
Recognizing the extraordinary demands placed upon most single parents (whether divorced, widowed, or never-married), Kathy McCoy has written this manual to help them gain more control over their lives. Alluding to the many single parents interviewed, she outlines a step-by-step approach to problems with money, job, child care, emotions--including letting go of guilt--and social life. This guide also acknowledges the needs of those with and those without child custody. (Plume)